The aim of the present Course is to facilitate learning the piano through a simplification of essentials and to acquaint the pupil with fundamental knowledge in the domain of theory of music. Because learning about musical clefs is in general a little too difficult for a child, the author teaches reading of bass and treble notes simultaneously without clefs and acquaints the pupil with them only when the pupil is convinced of the necessity for their introduction. In this way the author makes it possible for the pupil to play at the same time in treble and bass from the first exercises. These early stages thus seem not so difficult and cause neither displeasure to the pupil nor loss of time, the latter being inevitable when the learner plays first only in the treble clef before going on to the bass. From the first lessons the pupil is also accustomed to playing on black keys and the finger technique of both hands is developed simultaneously. The exercises are arranged in such a way that the pupil does not need to use additional exercises for solving other problems.
Pages: 50
Language: Polish
Publisher: PWM Edition
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