Φίλιππος Νάκας Ροζάκης - Η Αρμονία στα Πλήκτρα Μέρος 2ο Τόμος Β' Harmony Book

Michalis Rozakis - Keyboard Harmony, The Modern Harmony, Part 2, Vol.2

Greek Edition


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This work closes the circle of the HARMONY KEYBOARD series. In the first part we examined the traditional harmony and I believe we have exhausted this issue. In the two books that followed, our subject was modern harmony, something quite difficult because it is a kind that is still in progress. I do believe, however, that there are no gaps and that the contemporary musician can find answers to the various questions he should reasonably have.

From the preface of the book,

Michalis Rozakis

Pages: 140
Language: Greek
Publisher: Philippos Nakas

Additional Information
Number of Pages 140
Publisher Φίλιππος Νάκας