This huge collection of 64 Easy Songs For Ukulele is perfect for the pluckers and superb for the strummers. Featuring pop and rock hits from nearly every decade over the past half-century, all of these songs sound great on the humble Uke and have been specially arranged in easy keys with easy chord shapes.
Ukuleles are brilliantly versatile, allowing you to give nearly any song a fresh and upbeat, summery sound. If it's an old favourite like (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay, Love Will Tear Us Apart or Blowin' In The Wind, the Ukulele can breathe new life into it, making it sound bright and reinvigorated.
You might be more inclined to put a new spin on some of today's best tunes, from Pharrell's Happy to Passenger's Let Her Go, or even the instant Uke classic Lava by Kuana Torres Kahele, from the short film of the same name that preceded Pixar's brilliant film 'Inside Out'. Every song in this bumper songbook features lyrics, Ukulele chord boxes and rhythm patterns for simple strumming. With a great mix of old and new tunes from a variety of genres, 64 Easy Songs For Ukulele is a brilliant collection of songs for all Ukulele lovers.
Whether you want a quick strum in the park, at a party, or you just want to learn some fantastic songs and give them a new sound, this collection of easy Ukulele songs will keep any Uke enthusiast playing for a long time.
- Ain't Misbehavin' [Fats Waller]
- All My Loving [Beatles, The]
- All Shook Up [Presley, Elvis]
- Banks Of The Ohio [Traditional]
- Big Spender [Bassey, Shirley]
- Bird On A Wire [Cohen, Leonard]
- Blowin' In The Wind [Dylan, Bob]
- Blue Suede Shoes [Presley, Elvis]
- Bring Me Sunshine [Morecombe & Wise]
- Brown Eyed Girl [Morrison, Van]
- Bye Bye Love [Everly Brothers, The]
- Can't Help Falling In Love [UB40]
- Crazy [Barkley, Gnarls]
- Crocodile Rock [John, Elton]
- Danny Boy (Londonderry Air) [Traditional]
- Days [Kinks, The]
- Delilah [Jones, Tom]
- Don't Stop [Fleetwood Mac]
- Don't Think Twice, It's All Right [Dylan, Bob]
- Eight Days A Week [Beatles, The]
- Every Breath You Take [Police, The]
- Everyday [Holly, Buddy]
- Fernando [Abba]
- Get Back [Beatles, The]
- Greensleeves
- Hallelujah [Cohen, Leonard]
- Happy [Williams, Pharrell]
- Help! [Beatles, The]
- I Walk The Line [Cash, Johnny]
- I'm A Believer [Monkees, The]
- It's A Long Way To Tipperary
- It's Not Unusual [Jones, Tom]
- Knockin' On Heaven's Door [Dylan, Bob]
- Lava [Torres Kahele, Kuana]
- Let Her Go [Passenger]
- Little Talks [Of Monsters And Men]
- Love Will Tear Us Apart [Joy Division]
- Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) [Beatles, The]
- On Top Of Old Smoky
- Peggy Sue [Holly, Buddy]
- Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head [BJ Thomas]
- Ride A White Swan [T-Rex]
- Set Fire To The Rain [Adele]
- Singing The Blues [Mitchell, Guy]
- Sloop John B [Traditional]
- Somebody To Love [Jefferson Airplane]
- Someone Like You [Adele]
- Somewhere Only We Know [Keane]
- Stand By Me [King, Ben E.]
- Stay With Me [Smith, Sam]
- Sunny Afternoon [Kinks, The]
- Suzanne [Cohen, Leonard]
- Sweet Caroline [Diamond, Neil]
- The Lovecats [Cure, The]
- The Man Who Sold The World [Nirvana]
- The Winner Takes It All [Abba]
- Thinking Out Loud [Sheeran, Ed]
- Under The Boardwalk [Drifters, The]
- Wild World [Stevens, Cat]
- Will The Circle Be Unbroken?
- With A Little Help From My Friends [Beatles, The]
- Yellow [Coldplay
- You Are My Sunshine [Blake, Norman]
- You Know I'm No Good [Winehouse, Amy]
Pages: 160
Language: English
Publisher: Hal Leonard