Gerard Billaudot Doukan - The Young Violonist's ABC Vol.3 Βιβλίο για βιολί

Doucan, Pierre – The Young Violonist’s ABC Vol.3

30 Preliminary Studies

17,60 €

15,90 €

L’ ABC Du Jeune Violoniste

30 Études Préliminaires

L’École du Violon


The Young Violonist’s ABC (Volume 3), consists of 30 original and progressive studies that are intended for young pupils who are just finishing their violin tutor.

Volume 3 deals with all the fundamental elements of violin performance, the rational organization enabling the pupil to develop and increase his knowledge and mastery of the instrument.

Each study can be profitably practiced for fifteen days. Daily and simultaneous practice of two different studies (or fragments of studies) with a week’s overlap will produce more perceptive results.

The Young Violonist’s ABC (Volume 3), the sequel to Jean Lenert’s Method, is the normal link for beginning The Violin School.


Score Pages: 32

Language: French, English

Publisher: Gérard Billaudot Éditeur

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