ABRSM Jazz Trumpet Aural Tests & Quick Studies Levels/Grades 1-5 Ερωτήσεις εξετάσεων

ABRSM Jazz Trumpet/Cornet/Flugelhorn from 2003

13,80 €

12,50 €

This product is a useful resource for graded music exams

  • graded tests as preparation for the jazz trumpet exams
  • compositions that introduce the melodic and harmonic vocabulary of jazz
  • an impressive range of styles, in swing or straight 8s, using rock, Latin or swing grooves
  • question-and-answer tests with written piano accompaniments, to practise improvising in time
  • a helpful description of each test, its objectives and what the examiner is looking for
  • the quick studies accommodate students working by ear or at sight
  • exemplar tests from this book are included on the CD for each Level/Grade

Pages: 80
Language: English
Publisher: ABRSM

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Για Τρομπέτα
Αριθμός σελίδων 80
Εκδότης ABRSM